Senior Care

Ensuring that your loyal companion is healthy and comfortable during their golden years.

As your pet ages, you’ll need to make adjustments to the type of care they receive. Senior pets are more likely to develop health issues as they have more cat and dog years behind them. This means booking more frequent visits and changing how you care for your pet at home so they can continue to live a long and happy life.

What changes should I expect as my pet ages?

Depending on your pet’s size, breed and other factors, they might experience their golden years differently. Any of the signs below can be subtle at first and progressively become more obvious over time. No two pets age the same way, so this is a general list of changes you might notice in your pet:

  • Less responsive when you call their name (hearing loss)
  • Difficulty seeing
  • Weight loss
  • Decreased mobility
  • Changes in their temperament (moodiness or grumpiness)

When will I notice that my pet is aging?

Pets age at different rates, so you’ll expect variations from one pet to another. For example, smaller canine friends age at a slower rate than larger ones but you can expect to see signs of aging between 6 to 8-years-old. For feline friends, you might notice these signs at around 9-years-old. Most veterinarians agree that dogs are considered to be senior or geriatric at 7 years of age, while cats that are more than 10 are considered elderly. Thanks to modern medicine, pets are living longer than ever, with some having an average lifespan of over 10 years.

How should I take care of my aging pet?

You’ll need to book more frequent visits with us for your pet – at least every 6 months. We want to ensure we’re staying up-to-date with any changes to your pet’s health since their last visit. This is because they age at such a fast rate. Depending on your pet’s overall health, we might recommend dietary changes, supplements or new medications as your pet enters this new stage of life. To book their next appointment, please contact us at 905-682-7857.

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