Spaying and Neutering

These procedures provide numerous benefits, including improved health and behaviour.

Spaying and neutering prevents your pet from getting pregnant or fathering a litter of kittens/puppies. The procedures also have other health benefits. Our highly-skilled veterinary team is well-equipped to carry out the procedure successfully, ensuring your pet makes a full recovery. If your pet hasn’t been scheduled for this procedure, please contact us at 905-682-7857.

What is spaying?

While your female pet is under anesthetic, we’ll remove their ovaries and uterus through an incision in the abdomen. Before your pet undergoes the procedure, we do extensive pre-anesthetic testing to ensure they will react well to the medication and there won’t be any complications during the surgery. During the procedure, we closely monitor their vitals to ensure your pet is safe and there aren’t any complications. After the procedure, your furry friend won’t be able to reproduce anymore.

What is neutering?

While your male pet is under anesthetic, we’ll remove their testicles, through an incision near their scrotum. Before your pet undergoes the procedure, we do extensive pre-anesthetic testing to ensure your pet will react well to the medication and there won’t be any complications during the surgery. During the procedure, we closely monitor their vitals to ensure your pet is safe and there aren’t any complications. After the procedure, you furry friend won’t be able to impregnate their female counterparts.

Why is it an important procedure for my pet?

Apart from limiting your pet’s ability to mother or father a litter of puppies or kittens, there are a range of other benefits. In addition to increasing your pet’s lifespan, the procedure:

  • Limits the risk of cancers, like prostate and testicular
  • Limits the risk of sexually transmitted diseases
  • Limits the risk of bacterial infections and urinary tract diseases
  • Reduces behaviour like roaming, fighting and humping
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