Veterinary Referrals

We provide top-quality veterinary care, including specialized treatments and referrals.

Our highly-skilled team of veterinarians and veterinary technicians support your pet with a range of services to serve their healthcare needs, including routine and advanced procedures. Though we can handle most of your pet’s medical and surgical needs in-house, we might refer them to other veterinary specialists or speciality clinics when advanced training or equipment might be helpful.

When do you refer pets to specialists?

We might refer you to a specialist based on your pet’s needs. For example, board-certified specialists, such as oncologists, ophthalmologists, and neurologists, have extensive experience and training in specific types of veterinary medicine or surgery. Specialty clinics and university-affiliated referral centres might have specialized equipment which help them perform procedures that we don’t typically do at our hospital. If you have questions about our referral process, please contact us at 905-682-7857.

How do you follow-up with my pet after their referral?

When we refer your pet to a different practitioner, we ensure your furry friend continues to receive a high standard of care. This means staying involved at every step of the way, by consulting the specialist who is treating your pet and providing any follow-up care or rehabilitation your pet might need.

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